There’s a wealth of information on-line and on social media when starting your van build journey. Where do you start? To help narrow down the search, here are some of our favorite resources when researching vans.

PRIORITIZE WHAT YOU WANT IN YOUR VAN (International Alpine Guides Blog, The Ultimate Climber Van - My DIY Sprinter Conversion, 2017)
There’s only so much space in your van – so what’s most important to you? Gear storage, a toilet, shower, hangout space? Checkout Dave Miller’s entry on the International Alpine Guides Blog on what he found important in his van, what didn’t work, and why he built what he did for the sport that he loves.

INSURING YOUR VAN (Bearfoot Theory, Campervan Insurance: A Complete Guide For Vanlife, 2021)
Check out Bearfoot Theory’s outdoor adventure blog for some great information about getting insurance for your camper van. We know you put a lot of TLC into your van build and that last thing you’d want to do is lose it all in an accident. Do I need an auto or an RV insurance policy? Can you insure your van as a camper van? What insurance companies are best to go through? Bearfoot Theory goes through all of the insurance unknowns to make certain that you’re covered!

SAFETY TIPS (Muse & Co. Outdoors, Safety Tips for Camper Van Travel, 2021)
While traveling in your camper van can be freeing, it can also be dangerous and it’s best to be prepared. This blog post by Muse & Company Outdoors discusses ways that you can be ready for anything while on the open road. What equipment might you want to carry with you? Where can you legally camp? Do you have a backup plan? All of these questions are answered in Muse & Co’s blog post.

WHERE CAN I PARK MY VAN? (Gnomad Home, Vanlifer’s Guide to Sleeping, Camping, and Parking, 2021)
Gnomad Home’s blog is here to answer the age old question while traveling in your camper van – can I park and sleep here? This blog post highlights the pros and cons of parking in urban areas, public lands, parking lots, highway rest areas and more.

VANLIFE AND KIDS. (Patagonia, Frequently Asked Questions: Living in a Van on the Road with Kids, 2021).
We know you’re excited to get adventuring in your van – but how will it be with your kids? Patagonia’s blog post interviews three mothers about their experience living in their camper van with their young children. What are some tips to keep the kids happy when traveling? What are the logistics with schooling? How do you best keep them entertained while inside the van? These three seasoned road-veterans answer all of these questions and more!